Is Electrostatic Contact Voltmeter a necessary equipment for ESD Coordinator?

For Most experienced ESD Coordinators, they know the build up of electrostatic charges
and their discharge to ground very quickly is the cause of ESD problems.

In the process of making the Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) devices, there will be a series of contact and separation of the ESDS device with other materials.
Static charges constantly build up and discharge along the way during the process until they are completely packaged into the ESD bags.

Too much electrostatic charges on the ESDS device may be harmful and it is harmful if the voltages on them exceeding their CDM (Charge Device Model) withstand voltage level.

It is extremely difficult to measure voltage on the ESDS devices which are getting smaller each day, and thank God, the solution to the problem is now available in the market place.

Industry ESD Specialists have come up with very handy electrostatic measuring tools for any ESD Coordinator at work.

An Electrostatic Contact Voltmeter with high input impedance ( > 1E14 ohm )and low input capacitance (=< 20pF) allows an accurate measurement of the existence of electrostatic charges on the ESDS device in Volt as there will be NO electrostatic charges transfer to/from the measured ESDS device.

Some of recommended Electrostatic Contact Voltmeters in the market place are:

CVM-780 Prostat Contact Voltmeter
Input impedance >= 1E14 ohm
Input capacitance < 1pF

See how CVM-780 Prostat Electrostatic Contact Voltmeter Can Do for You Here.

Infinitron™ from Trek.Inc
Input impedance >1E16 ohm
Input capacitance < 0.001pF

Ultra High Impedance Contact Voltmeter from Trek, Inc. is Here.

The Electrostatic Contact Voltmeter not only allows ESD Coordinator measure voltage on ESDS device but also voltage on the conductive parts of equipment that come into contact with ESDS device.

Monitoring the ESD process by measuring the electrostatic voltage on ESDS device with Electrostatic Contact Voltmeter is a good way to start. This is another way to ensure the ESD processes are doing fine and not causing any ESD problems to your ESDS device.

Ground Pro is truly the Ground meter

Electrostatic charges are just part of our daily occurrences. It occurs when two objects come into contact and then are separated involving some frictional forces.

We normally remember electrostatic charges bring more bad memories than good ones.
They are the cause for your neighbor’s car get burnt at gasoline pump station last winter, and the reason for yourself getting static shock when getting out from your car.

The best way to minimize the effect is by grounding.

In electronic industries, grounding is a very critical process where organization should not overlook.

A poor grounding system could cause many problems such as:

• Equipment malfunctions
• Equipment damaged
• Device damaged
• High maintenance costs

A good tool is then required to tell us how good the equipments are grounded.

Ground Pro from Credence Technologies is one of the best tools in the market place that able to provide accurate measurement on the connectivity of your equipments to ground.

It is different from your usual handheld multimeters. It can block or ignore all the noise and current in the ground during the equipment grounding measurement process thus providing you an accurate ground measurement reading of your equipment.

A good ground meter like Ground Pro definitely saves your organization money.

• Less Equipment are thrown away (thinking it is faulty)
• Less Equipment malfunction and damaged
• Less Device damaged
• Less maintenance costs

All simply because of the accurate ground measurement reading…